

Various dates

(incl. administration fee) plus (incl. administration fee) plus various fulfilment fees per order. fulfilment fee per order.

11 - 19 March 2022

Various venues

The Angel Field Festival takes place at Liverpool Hope University's Creative Campus (17 Shaw Street, Liverpool L6 1HP) from Friday 11th March to Saturday 19th March inclusive.

The theme of this year's Angel Field Festival is 'Strangers Transcending Borders'. 2022 marks many historical and cultural anniversaries - perhaps the most pertinent to our community is the centenary of the Irish Civil War and the death of Michael Collins; the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday. This being the case the theme of our upcoming Angel Field Festival ‘Strangers Transcending Borders’ invites creative provocations linked to it. 

Various dates

(incl. administration fee) plus (incl. administration fee) plus various fulfilment fees per order. fulfilment fee per order.

11 - 19 March 2022

Various venues